NordicTrack FreeStride Trainer FS7i Review

Editor's Rating: 4.9 /5
Update: This model has been discontinued. To find a suitable replacement, check out our treadmill finder here.

Video Review by TreadmillReviews

Who knew that an exercise machine could offer the sensation of gliding on air? The NordicTrack Freestrider moves with ultrasmooth motion that easily beats any of the training you’ll do in “real life” (gross). These fitness machines  avoid the repetitive impact of walking or running that wears down joints over time. The new FS7i has Bluetooth compatibility for MP3 motivation but other than that the popular fitness machine is pretty much unchanged from previous versions. No need to fix what something that isn’t broken! So if you can find an older model for a better value, you won’t miss out on much.

The key feature of the  Freestrider is the smooth 32-inch stride path that can support any weight. This allows the machine serve as a stair stepper, an elliptical trainer, and a low-impact treadmill all in one. It can easily adjust to anyone’s body size up to 375 pounds, so this truly is a machine for any trainer with any need. Other highlights of the latest FS7i include a 7-inch HD touchscreen, power incline, and an iFit Coach connection.

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What We Like:

The innovative FS7i has justifiable earned quite the fanbase. Here are the specs that caused the raves.

  • Low Impact: The FreeStrider FS7i is a good treadmill alternative for someone who wants a vigorous workout that doesn’t put too much stress on their knees or other joints.
  • A Three-In-One Machine: A Freestrider does the work of three fitness machines: a treadmill, elliptical, and stairclimber. Changing your muscle emphasis mid-workout is a breeze thanks to the stride controls in the handlebars and on the console.
  • Long Stride: Accommodating a maximum 32-inch stride, the FreeStrider FS7i allows nearly double the stride of a traditional elliptical trainer. It can support people with long inseams like a runner’s treadmill, but without the heavy impact of landing. It’s also comfortable for shorter trainees.
  • Power Incline: The FS7i has power incline to help sculpt muscle and simulate outdoor exercise.
  • Cushioned Pedals: Pedal cushioning adds to an already comfortable fitness machine design. Compared with standard pedals, cushioned pedals increase user endurance.
  • Moving Handlebars: This treadmill alternative makes it easy to get a total-body workout in one seamless exercise session.
  • Built-In Workout Programs: Excellent workout variety is provided via 35 preset programs that draw from 24 resistance levels and an incline range from zero to 10%.
  • iFit Coach Enabled: A web-enabled console with the iFit Coach app brings subscribers unlimited workout variety. Virtually hike through any route across the globe in Google Maps. The Coach also provides HD video workouts with expert personal trainers, automatic statistics tracking, and other personal training benefits. A wearable device called iFit Vue comes free with any iFit subscription.
  • Bluetooth Audio: Freestriders now offer Bluetooth connections for MP3 players, replacing the plug-in port on previous models.
  • Water Bottle Holder: Staying hydrated is convenient with an integrated water bottle holder.
  • High Weight Capacity: The NordicTrack FS7i can hold up to 375 pounds.
  • Compact Size: This trainer is smaller than a typical treadmill or rear drive elliptical. Dimensions are just 58.5″ L x 29.5″ W x 74″ H.
  • Transport Wheels: Pop-out wheels make this home fitness machine easy to move around your space.

NordicTrack FreeStride Trainer FS7i Treadmill - Key Specs:

Star Rating:4.9-stars
Running Area:n/a
Top Speed:n/a
Weight Capacity:375 LBS
Dimensions:58.5" L x 29.5" W x 74" H
Built-In Programs:35
What We Don’t Like:

  • Resistance: The 20-pound flywheel is best for beginners in elliptical training People who have more elliptical experience will outgrow this trainer quickly.
  • Price: Serving as a three-in-one trainer, the FS7i costs more than the typical home treadmill.
  • Short Warranty: With recent changes at NordicTrack, warranties across the board have been shortened to 10 years on frames, 2 years on parts and electronics, and 1 year on labor. Unfortunately this just doesn’t keep up with their competitors, and is a bit of a disappointment.

Our Verdict:

The NordicTrack FS7i is an outstanding choice for regular cardio exercise and introductory cross training. Functioning as a treadmill, elliptical, and stairclimber, this machine will offer something for everyone in your home gym. Obviously a machine this versatile comes with a hefty price tag, so it’s not for everyone. However, if you consider the fact that you’re essentially buying three machines, it’s not so bad. This is essentially an entire home gym in a single box.

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Recent Updates

  • July 13, 2021: Added some FAQs to the page.

NordicTrack FreeStride Trainer FS7i FAQs

How do I use the NordicTrack FreeStride Trainer FS7i?

The NordicTrack Freestride trainer functions as a treadmill, elliptical, and stairclimber all in one. See our video above for a demo.

How much does the NordicTrack FreeStride Trainer FS7i weigh?

The machine weighs 320 lbs. and has a maximum user weight capacity of 375 lbs.

Is assembly required for the NordicTrack FreeStride Trainer FS7i?

Yes, some assembly is required and can be easily completed by one or two people. NordicTrack offers at home assembly options for an additional price.