NordicTrack Commercial 2950 Review

Editor's Rating: 4.5 /5
Update: This model has been discontinued. To find a suitable replacement, check out our treadmill finder here.


NordicTrack’s premiere home treadmill, the Commercial 2950, has a 22-inch touchscreen to encourage long workouts. With iFit Coach it lets you virtually train along Google Maps routes: Get street-level views as you move! The wide screen is HD too, which makes the most of uniquely interactive iFit Coach video workouts. These let you exercise virtually with world-class trainers in scenic settings worldwide. Follow the preset speed or set your own pace, the iFit Coach video is designed to adapt.

There are a handful of noteworthy updates to note for the 2021 model that just launched. The pairing of Bluetooth headphones to the treadmill is now possible, and its incline drivers have been updated to improve both noise and response time. The treadmill still features a roomy workout surface with durable belt, a high-end 4.25 CHP motor, power incline and decline, cooling fans, water bottle holders and storage areas.

With impressive sound absorption and a foldable frame, the 2950 is a great match for just about any home workout space, and rounds out NordicTrack’s deal to create one of the best high-end treadmills.

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What We Like:

  • 22″ Touchscreen : A 22-inch touchscreen is the Commercial 2950’s control center. Use this high-def display to get immersed in scenic iFit Coach workout programs. With its recently updated graphics processing, its display is more crisp and refined than ever before.
  • Incline and Decline: Treadmill incline training naturally boosts your metabolism and recruits your muscles in different ways for better definition. The NordicTrack’s workout surface can power-adjust between -3 percent and +15 percent slope. It’s especially fun to use with iFit Coach Google Maps workouts and personal trainer video workouts along scenic paths.
  • iFit Coach Workouts: The new 2950 is most popular for supporting iFit Coach workout programs with immersive views. These programs control the treadmill’s speed and incline to copy landscapes and help you reach specific fitness goals. Among other choices, you can choose from an infinite variety of Google Maps workouts and a robust collection of HD video workouts that let you virtually exercise with expert personal trainers. Some programs are cardio-only, and some combine treadmill exercise with strength training..
  • Motor and Speed: The Commercial 2950 Treadmill has a 4.25 CHP motor by DurX. It supports a top speed of 12 mph and can easily power through sprints, long runs and interval training.
  • WhisperQuietâ„¢ Deck: The treadmill deck absorbs the sound of your footfall. It helps make the Commercial 2950 a quiet fitness machine and a good choice for home use.
  • 2.5″ Precision and Balanced Non-Flex Rollers: Reduced wear and tear on both the track and motor can be expected due to the size and quality of the Commercial 2950 rollers.
  •  Quiet Drive Incline Tech: This new feature allows users to experience more realistic terrain simulation that’s faster, quieter, and smoother.
  • Tread Belt: This high-end treadmill has a spacious 22-inch by 60-inch workout surface. The belt area is long enough for a running stride, and it’s 2 inches wider than the norm to allow extra elbow room. The tread belt is two-ply for durability and quiet operation.
  • Advanced Cushioning: The 2950’s Reflex suspension system lets you choose between a road-like workout surface or a cushioned deck. Just flip a lever to make the switch.
  • Wireless Heart Rate Monitoring: Monitoring your heart rate during treadmill workouts helps you exercise efficiently, and Commercial Series treadmills make it easy. The new 2950 is bundled with a Bluetooth wireless chest strap to give you a continuous readout. The chest strap also works with iFit wearable devices to give pulse readings away from your treadmill. With an iFit Coach membership you can track your heart rate data long-term and see your progress in chart form.
  • Bluetooth Upgrade: A couple of years ago, Bluetooth connectivity was added to the 2950 to allow users to play their favorite workout playlists from their smartphone via the treadmill’s Bluetooth speakers. New for 2021, you can now pair your Bluetooth headphones to the treadmill in order to listen to training instruction without disrupting the whole house.
  • Triple Fan Power: Stay cool with help from three workout fans. These are AutoBreeze, so they can automatically adjust to your pace. You can also set the fans’ speed yourself. Two point toward your face and one helps cool your body.
  • SpaceSaver: With hydraulic shock-assist the deck folds upward to conserve floor space, and softly drops back to the floor when you’re ready to train again. Unfolded the Commercial 2950 is about average size for a home treadmill. It has a footprint 79.5 inches long and 39.2 inches wide.

NordicTrack Commercial 2950 Treadmill - Key Specs:

Star Rating:5-stars
Motor:4.25 HP
Incline:-3 to 15%
Running Area:22" x 60"
Top Speed:12 MPH
Weight Capacity:300 LBS
Dimensions:79.5" L x 39.2" W x 66.6" H
Built-In Programs:40
What We Don’t Like:

  • Assembly: This treadmill is heavy and requires at least two people for safe assembly. Paying extra for in-home delivery with assembly seems worthwhile.
  • Short Warranty: With recent changes at NordicTrack, warranties across the board have been shortened to 10 years on frames, 2 years on parts and electronics, and 1 year on labor. Unfortunately this just doesn’t keep up with their competitors, and is a bit of a disappointment.
  • Customer Service: While the sales team is pretty responsive, customer service is spotty at best. Often, when you need help with problems after making your purchase, it’s difficult to come to a resolution.

Our Verdict:

The new NordicTrack Commercial 2950 is the top treadmill model from a top brand in home fitness. Loaded with great specs for performance and entertainment, it’s hard to resist. Its recent switch-over to Bluetooth audio was the last modern upgrade we had been waiting on, bringing it up to modern tech standards.

Other members of the NordicTrack Commercial Treadmill Series are best buys in their price classes too. These are the Commercial 2450 and the 1750.


What’s Changed For This Year
Each year a few models get upgrades. Larger screens, stronger motors, or better tech are common. Occasionally you will see two treadmills with the same name on the manufacturers site, which is confusing enough for us treadmill experts, let alone a new consumer. Below is a quick breakdown of what is new on the latest version of this treadmill.

New for 2021 (November 2020 release)

  • Updated HD Touchscreen: Improved processing and dual-band WiFi compatibility will ensure a more seamless video experience when following along to live or streaming workout classes.
  • New Mobile App: iFit is now also available as a mobile app for your smartphone.
  • Quiet Drive Incline Tech: The incline drivers on the 1750 are smoother and quieter than ever, and allow for more precise control during instructor-led classes. Quieter is always better, especially when you need to follow guidance/instruction.
  • Bluetooth Upgrade: Previously you could use Bluetooth to pair your phone to your treadmill, allowing you to listen to your own playlists while working out. Now, you can pair your Bluetooth headphones to your treadmill, so that you can listen to your instructor without disturbing the whole house.
  • Expanded iFit Offer: In previous years, these treadmills would come with an individual 1-year iFit membership, but for 2021 these memberships have been upgraded to family memberships—perfect for households with multiple runners.
  • Improved Compatibility: The Commercial 2950 is now Android 9 OS compatible.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 40 programs that come with the NordicTrack Commercial 2950?

Lots of people have trouble figuring out how to access the 40 on-board workouts. The Lovatnet, Norway track loads automatically. To access the rest, you have to press the icon of the running person. From there, you get to choose from the categories of Calorie Burn, High Intensity, Speed, and Incline, each of which present 10 options. You also have the option to unlock unlimited programs with the iFit membership.

Do all workouts include a personal trainer on the NordicTrack Commercial 2950?

All of the programmed workouts come with voice prompts that provide both instructional and motivational input.

Does the screen on the NordicTrack Commercial 2950 tilt?

Yes, the 22" touchscreen does tilt a couple inches up and down, allowing for the best angle for viewing your screen.

Can I stream movies with Wi-Fi on the NordicTrack Commercial 2950's screen?

Using your 2950's screen, you are only able to view NordicTrack's content.

Should I place a running pad underneath the NordicTrack Commercial 2950 treadmill?

While you don't have to, placing a running pad under your NordicTrack Commercial 2950 treadmill will reduce noise and prevents dust buildup that can compromise durability.

What are the major differences between the NordicTrack Commercial 1750, 2450, and 2950 treadmills?

While many features among these three options are similar, there are a few areas where the 2950 provides a better user experience. For starters, it has a 4.25 HP motor where the 2450 is 4.0 HP and the 1750 only 3.75 HP. You also get to enjoy a larger screen the higher up the echelon you get. Of course, you get what you pay for, so, as you make your way up from 1750 to 2950, the price also increases.