Landice M1 Folding Treadmill

Editor's Rating: 3.1 /5
Update: This model has been discontinued. To find a suitable replacement, check out our treadmill finder here.

If you live in a small apartment/condo or only have a sliver of space to stash workout equipment, there are treadmills made with your space concerns in mind. Just one example is the Landice M1 Folding Treadmill. This treadmill is one of the most compact models on the market and is a terrific option for those who need a portable machine.

What’s even more is that not only does it fold up into an ultra streamlined position, but it’s also got wheels on both sides so you can easily move it around to where you need to stow it. You can easily move it yourself – without breaking a sweat!

Note that this is designated to be a walking treadmill as the speed only goes up to 5.0 mph. While you may get a light jog in, most people would consider this more of a power walk at top speeds (or close to it).

What We Like:

  • The treadmill has a small step-up height at just 3 feet and 1/8 inch. This makes it accessible for older individuals or those in rehab to use.
  • The folded dimensions of this treadmill are just 57” by 29.5” x 5.5” – that’s just 5.5” high.
  • The product itself weights just 99 lbs., which is light compared to most anything else on the market.
  • Has an LED display that provides information on time, distance, steps, calories, as well as speed.
  • Speakers included
  • Has a USB port to charge devices
  • Comes with transport wheels, which makes moving this machine easy and possible for even smaller individuals

Landice M1 Folding Treadmill - Key Specs:

Star Rating:3.1-stars
Motor:1 HP
Running Area:50" X 18.5"
Top Speed:n/a
Weight Capacity:220 LBS
Dimensions:57" L x 29.5" W x 43" H
Built-In Programs:0
What We Don’t Like:

  • Does not come with any incline features, although for a machine so lightweight, this does not come as a surprise
  • The motor is quite lacking at just 1 continuous horsepower. Compared to the 2.5 to 3.25 you might find on the market in other machines, this does pale in comparison.
  • The belt size is smaller at 50” x 18.5”. This is a trade-off you do need to make however if you want it to be very compact and storable.
  • Lacking in some of the more advanced technology that other machines have such as streamed workout programs and Internet access.
  • Does not come with any pre-programmed options
  • The max user weight is 220 lbs.
  • Only comes with a one-year warranty on parts, frame and motor (not labor)

Our Verdict:

If you want a machine that keeps you active, that you can fit in a tiny space, and that you can easily move around as needed, this one may be the best choice on the market.

But if you are looking to improve your fitness, push yourself to the limit, reach new heights as a runner, and get plenty of variety with your workout routine, you better look elsewhere because you won’t find that here.

It all comes down to your own unique goals, needs and preferences. One thing to remember though is that you do get what you pay for. This machine isn’t as high priced as some of the top models out there, so it only makes sense you wouldn’t get as many advanced features. For what this machine is, you are getting a pretty good set of specs on it. One shouldn’t expect to go for a high intensity interval training run on a 99 lb. machine if you weigh 140+ lbs. That would simply be unrealistic so expecting more of this machine is not fair.