Landice L7 LTD Review

Editor's Rating: 4.6 /5
Best Buy Award(s):Seniors
Update: This model has been discontinued. To find a suitable replacement, check out our treadmill finder here.


The Landice L7 LTD (L7 Limited) is a high-end, light commercial treadmill. It’s made in the USA and backed by the industry’s best warranty. At checkout, you get the choice of three control panels. Whether you choose a streamlined or advanced set of workout programs, optional upgrades include a 19-inch HDTV and a tablet bracket. Each Landice treadmill is stocked with the usual amenities of a premium health club cardio trainer including a cooling fan, water bottle holder, and more.

Landice sells two very similar treadmills with light commercial warranties: the L7 LTD and L8 LTD. The L7 LTD is standard sized. Trainees get a 20″ x 58″ workout area. The L8 LTD has the industry’s largest running area at 22″ x 63″, making it a better choice for the tall runners and anyone who needs extra elbow room. Other specs for both Landice treadmills this year include a maintenance-free tread belt, a max 15% electric incline, and a 4.0 HP continuous duty motor.

The Landice light commercial warranty covers parts for five years provided the machine is only used in a non-membership setting and for no longer than five hours per day. That’s quite a deal since just one or two years of parts coverage is typical with other light commercial treadmills.

What We Like:

  • Powerful Motor: All Landice treadmills use a 4.0 HP continuous duty motor. It supports sprinting at up to 12 mph and has a lifetime warranty.
  • Deck Cushioning: The L7 LTD is sold with a choice of cushioning systems. The base price includes VFX Shock Absorption. VFX is about five times softer than grass and very comfortable for most trainees. Orthopedic suspension is available for an extra $300, which offers roughly seven times more cushioning than grass.
  • High-Quality Treadbelt: The L7 LTD Club Treadmill has a 20″ x 58″ treadbelt to allow almost any walker or runner to reach a full stride. The belt’s construction is high-end. While other belts require waxing and might easily stretch or snap, this tread belt can serve maintenance-free for years. It has four layers of material (others have one or two) and is guided by premium rollers.
  • Power Incline: The running surface can incline by up to 15 percent. Benefits of incline training with a treadmill include more challenging cardio exercise, faster calorie burn, and better muscle definition.
  • Console Choices: Buyers choose from three Landice consoles, the top two including Bluetooth connectivity.
    • Pro Sports Control Panel – The Pro Sports panel is the least expensive Landice console option. Its LCD window gives access to five preset workout programs that trainees can customize by time, speed, and elevation. Gym users can also save five custom-made workouts, but this control panel does not save multiple user profiles.
    • Cardio Control Panel – A sensible match to help users focus on heart rate and endurance, the Cardio Control Panel has two preset heart rate workouts and supports two user-defined heart rate workouts. This control panel also provides many other workout programs and three fitness tests. It shows data in an LCD window. The Cardio Control Panel allows five custom programs each and has Bluetooth connectivity that supports iTunes, Landice RunKeeper, and RunSocial.
    • Achieve – The most advanced of the three Landice control panels, the Achieve offers the most in terms of workout programs. If you’re torn between Cardio and Achieve, the Achieve offers everything provided by Cardio plus three extra built-in workouts, an extra user-defined program, and two additional user-defined heart rate programs.
  • Heart Rate Monitoring: New Landice treadmills support wireless heart rate monitoring and provide hand grip pulse sensors.
  • Extra Features: Special add-ons at checkout include a VESA-D bracket capable of supporting a monitor up to 19 inches, a treadmill television, a tablet computer bracket, medical rails (long safety bars), and orthopedic cushioning.
    • The Landice treadmill TV is 19-inches wide and high definition. Known as the Landice Vision System, or LVS, it can show live programming and has a HDMI port for on-demand entertainment.
    • The VESA-D and tablet computer brackets provide a lower-cost way of adding entertainment to treadmill workouts.
    • Medical rails add safety and peace of mind. Without the medical rails, this cardio trainer has standard handrails, which are shorter.
    • Orthopedic cushioning makes treadmill exercise relatively low impact.
  • Safety Features: A safety lanyard and emergency stop button are included.
  • High Capacity: The new Landice L7 LTD has a 400-pound user weight capacity.
  • Excellent Warranty: The Landice light commercial treadmill warranty provides five years for parts and one year for labor. Landice parts warranties are uncommonly generous.

Landice L7 LTD Treadmill - Key Specs:

Star Rating:4.6-stars
Motor:4 HP
Incline:0 - 15%
Running Area:20" x 58"
Top Speed:12 MPH
Weight Capacity:400 LBS
Dimensions:76" L x 35" W x 58" H
Built-In Programs:Depends on console
What We Don’t Like:

  • Size: The L7 LTD track length of 58″ is long enough for most trainees but could feel limiting to long-legged runners. The Landice L8 LTD has an extra-long workout surface.

Our Verdict:

With high-quality construction and many choices for customization, the Landice L7 LTD treadmill is a time-tested favorite for light commercial settings. Whether you’re stocking a firehouse gym or a luxurious hotel fitness center, the L7 is a top recommendation thanks to its easy maintenance, high performance, workout guidance, and special features. Don’t hesitate. This machine is worth it.

Recent Updates

  • July 13, 2021: Added some FAQs to the page.

Landice L7 LTD FAQs

Where are Landice treadmills made?

Landice treadmills are engineered, built, and tested in the USA since 1967. The company is based in Randolph, NJ.

Can you use the Landice L7 for running or jogging?

Yes, this treadmill is built for runners with its powerful but whisper-quiet 4 HP continuous duty motor.

Is the Landice L7 hard to assemble?

No, this treadmill is not hard to assemble, and can easily be done by one or two people. Landice also offers a shipping and assembly service at an additional cost.