HealthRider Treadmill Review

Brand Rating: 3/5

HealthRider treadmills are manufactured by ICON Health and Fitness, a world leader in fitness equipment production. ICON is a Utah-based company that holds more than 200 patents. It manufactures equipment for several fitness brands such as NordicTrack, Reebok and ProForm. Some HealthRider treadmills show off ICON’s best technology, but the HealthRider brand varies widely in quality.

Our reviews HealthRider treadmills earn anywhere from one to five stars. Five-star HealthRider treadmills have advanced cushioning, long tracks with incline/decline, and plenty of built-in workouts. They also have iFit Live modules, letting you access new customized workouts every day. The top HealthRider treadmills are the H190t and the H110t. These are sold with five-year parts warranties.

The cheapest HealthRider treadmills are disappointing. They cost less than $1,000, but they shouldn’t be expected to last for more than six months. For example, the H50 Crosswalk SL has reportedly burned out after several uses. This model has a 90-day parts warranty.

What We Like:

  • iFit: HealthRider treadmills use ICON’s very popular iFit technology. This gives trainees access to customized workouts and personalized nutrition advice, along with interactive training. You can race against Facebook friends or map out a virtual exercise route with Google Maps. The H190t and H110t HealthRider treadmills can tilt upward and downward to mimic the terrain. The cheapest HealthRider treadmill, which we don’t recommend, is the H50 Crosswalk SL. It uses the old iFit technology, which is a card reader. Cards each hold eight weeks worth of workouts. They are sold separately from the treadmill.
  • Workout Variety: In addition to having iFit, several HealthRider treadmills have plenty of built-in programs. The H190t has the most with 32. However, the HealthRider H79t has zero built-in programs. Its owners rely on iFit.
  • Incline and Decline: Inclines and declines have become popular treadmill features. HealthRider treadmills have automated inclines with maximums ranging from 10% to 15%. The top HealthRider treadmills also have an automated decline of up to 3%.
  • SpaceSavers: Most HealthRider treadmill tracks can be folded upright to save floor space. This is made easy with shock assist.
  • Motors: HealthRider motors vary in quality, so be sure to read the details and warranties carefully. The best motors are quieter and have lifetime guarantees. The others have 25-year and 10-year warranties. The strongest motor in this brand’s lineup is the 3.8 CHP drive found on the HealthRider H190t. It’s comparable to 4.0 HP motors from other brands.
  • Tracks: HealthRider treadmill tracks very significantly from model to model, so it’s important to read the details carefully. The top treadmill has a full 20″ x 60″ track, but the cheapest treadmill has a tiny 18″ x 50″ track. The tracks on the more expensive machines are also specially coated for longevity. Also look for larger treadmill rollers. The range is generally from 2″ to 3″ and that inch makes a huge difference in track longevity.
  • High Speed: The treadmills with longer tracks can support 12 mph. The others have maximum speeds of 10 mph.
  • Capacity: HealthRider treadmills are rated for user weights of up to 350 pounds. However, we’d take the advertised ratings with a grain of salt. Check the treadmill’s own weight before making a purchase. Make sure that it weighs more than you!

What We Don’t Like:

  • Price: We like the sale prices for the better HealthRider treadmills. We don’t like the suggested retail prices though; they’re way too high. For the cheapest treadmills, the ultra-low prices fail to convince us. Why spend $600 or $700 on a machine that could break next month?
  • Unreliable Cheap Treadmills: HealthRider has shown that they know how to make great treadmills. Even so, they cut way too many corners when making their discount versions. These have been described as lemons by lots of frustrated customers.
  • Warranties: Different HealthRider treadmills get different warranties. Some of these work to the customer’s advantage, but some of the warranties are awful. The longest warranty includes lifetime coverage for the frame and motor, five years for parts, and two years of labor. The cheapest HealthRider treadmills have 90-day parts warranties.

Our Verdict:

HealthRider had a poor reputation in the past, but it’s now a more respectable treadmill brand overall. The reputation has improved because the top HealthRider treadmills combine solid basics (great cushioning, long tracks and durable motors) with plenty of engaging workout options. The cheapest HealthRider treadmills should generally be avoided though; they aren’t dependable and could break down before providing many workouts.

We like the H190t and H100t, but HealthRider wouldn’t necessarily be our favorite treadmill brand. It would make sense to compare HealthRider treadmills with offers from NordicTrack. NordicTrack has the same parent company as HealthRider and they often offer similar products for a better value.